In the intense days of COVID-19 pandemic, many events have addressed the legal aspects of Coronavirus Exposure Alert App or “Tracing Apps”. The Italian App is called Immuni. Gianclaudio Malgieri has been involved in many dissemination events related to this App. In particular, he moderated a panel organized by Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, “La verità vi prego su Privacy, Covid-19 e App”, whose video is available here. He was also an invited speaker at a Webinar on Covid-19 and Privacy organized by Unione Regionale degli Ordini Forensi della Sardegna.

In addition, Gianclaudio was interviewed by different journals and social media pages about this App, in particular he released an interview to Trentino Startup, whose video is available here; but he was also interviewed by Antonio Ereditario and by AltroDiritto.
Lastly, his report about the privacy aspects of the Italian App will be published soon as an intervention in the e-conference in the Covid-19 Exposure Alert App on Blog Droit Europeen.